Hada Craft



Kurobane can make jigging fishing more enjoable and it is made to base on Mr. Hada’s perfect storategy of jigging method.
Everyone can enjoy that his method by using different shapes of these 3 jigs.


1. Kaukau

It is the most suitable for exploring the underwater situation, the first research jig you can use.

It has a symmetrical shape, quick settling speed. Since the attitude of the fall is center balance, it sinks flat. With just retrieving it makes little waves, and when jerking it shakes heads to the left and right.

Since kaukau has very little pulling resistance, it is the jig that makes it possible to feel the state of the underwater most directly at hand.

First of all, start with searching for the underwater situation. Due to the range there is a current of tides and we will explore where the range of tides can catch. Generally, fish are actively swimming where there is current. The current speed will change by range. Since kaukau has very little pulling resistance and can sense even a small current change, so that focusing on to explore the point where the current changes. That is a range where the targets are migrating.

So now, you found the range you need to focus on. And if there are some active fishs, there is possiblity to get a bite if the target did not get unconfortable with Kaukau’s little wave.

Fish feed water current (wave) when swimming. Depending on the activity of the fish, it may be better if the wave is stronger, and there are times when the weak wave is good.

Fish swim with fins moving. The fish that follows it surely feels the water current of fish running away. The wave which the water current (wave) causes the bytes due to the activity of the fish and what is not changed according to the situation, so we must select the jig considering that.

Now you can switch to next item which you need to choose is the jig has different wave action.


『KAUKAU』は『リサーチ(探索)用』『パイロットジグ』として、最初に投入頂く事で海中を探索し、 魚を喰わせる場所がピンポイントに分かり、操作法の1つとして、ただ巻きでも小魚独特の小さい波動から魚の捕食を誘発する頼もしいジグです。

2. MAI’A

Mai’a is used when it is low in activity. As its name is asymmetrical banana style, it creates irregular action when falling and jerking. One side has flat shape and another side has V letter keel that makes it easier for the jig to be oriented horizontally, and the bytes often concentrate at the moment when this jig becomes horizontal. When chasing the jig but do not eat easily, use Mai’a which produces such an action and they bite it with a reaction.


ジギングを始めて25年以上が経ちますが、その頃は選択するほど物はなく、 今では、ジグも色々在りすぎて迷うくらいです。兼用ジグは沢山。 でも、『この魚用』って対象魚を限定するジグは、なかなかありません。

それなら 『鰤』に特化したジグを作ってみよう!ハダ工房を立ち上げたきっかけの『ジグ』です。


Holoholo is a center balance, but due to its unique shape, it is a jig to shake the tail strongly just by retriving. It has the same movement with vibration for blackbass fishing. This jig has also not much pulling resistance, but a strong water flow occurs. It can produce a bait with good activity and escaping from target.

Next, Holoholo makes the target active, but they did bite but no hooked or still no bite. In those situation, you can choose Mai’a.




Taking advantage of these three characteristics, you can capture any ocean if you change the jig according to the tide situation and fish activity. That is the Kurobane flow jigging method. In addition, there are color which can be caught well by circumstances and color which is not so in the sea. Kurobane has countless color patterns, so it is possible to deal with any situation.


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